Cosmology of Dignity - Peaceful Solutions to Save the World
"A human life counts as much as an animal life, counts as much as a plant life."
Save nature - then you save the people!
Meine Berufung: Die Welt retten.
Ich schaffe das nur mit Deiner Unterstützung
Wenn die 60 reichsten Staaten nur 10% ihres BIP den Armen spenden, endet das Elend auf unserer Welt.
Meine Berufung: Die Welt retten.
We are an organization of peace, reconciliation and justice.
An initiative to unite the world.
Granting of personal rights, civil rights and human rights to animals and nature. Man is not above nature. This action will end climate change and human destruction of nature.
Human rights are our greatest asset, but may only be brought closer to other countries on the basis of non-violence, tolerance and respect. Human rights do not justify intolerance against other cultures
The United Nations General Assembly is the only body in the world that has the right to interfere in a country's internal affairs. Massive violations of human rights and international law can be sanctioned with a 2/3 majority. The right of veto in the Security Council is abolished.
Granting of personal rights, civil rights and human rights to animals and nature. Man is not above nature. This action will end climate change and human destruction of nature.
Human rights are our greatest asset, but may only be brought closer to other countries on the basis of non-violence, tolerance and respect. Human rights do not justify intolerance against other cultures
The 60 richest countries donate 2% to 11% of their net national income to the UN. The United Nations sends the 3.2 billion people living in poverty $150 a month via cash transfer to their mobile phones. This will end global poverty.
Regional climate agreements must be concluded around the world, as Paris is too slow and overambitious. Worldwide mustnow massive Water, electricity and CO2 are saved to reach 1.5 C by 2030. Earth must immediately start intensive CDR measures (sucking CO2 from the air).
No country or alliance of states may interfere in the internal affairs of another country. Economic sanctions, defamation and intrigues against 3rd States are prohibited. Only the UN can impose sanctions.
Meine Lösungen funktionieren
In meiner Vision einer guten Zukunft sind Mensch und Natur gleichwertige Partner. Globale Armut, Hunger, Krieg und Gewalt gehören der Vergangenheit an. Meine Konzepte gründen auf der Philosophie der Würde alles Seienden, einem kosmologischen Prinzip der Gleichwertigkeit und absoluter Gewaltlosigkeit. Meine Vision ist kein idealistisches Gerede. Ich habe in 5-jähriger Forschungsarbeit zukunftsweisende philosophische, politische und psycho-soziale Lösungskonzepte erarbeitet. Mein Werk beruht auf den Fundamenten empirischer und analytischer Wissenschaft.
Meine innovativen Lösungen sind realistisch, praxisorientiert, günstig und schnell wirksam. Die politische Umsetzung dieser bahnbrechenden Strategien wären mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit in der Lage, die großen Menschheitsproblem zu beenden: Klimawandel, Artensterben, Armut, Krieg und die extreme soziale Ungleichheit.
Effective solutions to climate change
We have developed innovative strategies to end climate change, poverty, war and social inequality. We need your help to make this happen
Basic philosophical concept
We have aholisticVision of the earth - for today and tomorrow. Our ideals are based on the thoughts and work of the philosopher Grischa Thomas W. Eichfuss.
Profound ethics of all life
Our principles are dignity, non-violence and respecttowards all creatures of the cosmos. Tolerance and genuine understanding for those who think differently are what make us what we are