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About us | Save the world - join us

The end of climate change, poverty and war

Save the world - join us  finally wants to make the earth a good place for all living beings. We want to make the world fairer and more effective in the areas of climate protection, poverty, migration, international understanding, animal and nature conservation with new strategies, approaches and political demands.


philosophical concept

vision of the future of our planet




Profound ethics of all life

dignity & non-violence



Solution-centric & undogmatic

Effective solutions



What distinguishes us from other initiatives?

In contrast to many other projects, "Save the World - Join In" is based on oneholistic philosophical conceptwith an underlying profound ethics of all life. The founder of this philosophy is the author Grischa Thomas W. Eichfuss, who launched the initiative "Save the world - join us". hat. What is unusual is the fact that Grischa Thomas W. Eichfuss is severely disabled, uses a wheelchair and needs 24-hour helpht and must be artificially ventilated.

We don't just care about one or two of humanity's issues, we care about all of them. It's not because we can or want more. But our holistic concept is based on the conviction that a problem cannot be solved in a sustainable way in isolation from others. 

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